Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hillary Clinton Should Stick To Women's Work!

I watched the Ohio Debates tonight and was left with several questions that I would have liked to seen asked of the candidates.

Hilary Clinton stated that she was part of the administration when her husband was President. As Obama correectly pointed out, she includes her role as First Lady as part of her "experience."

True, she was put in charge of health care and we all know what a mess that was. Thus, she was part of the administration in that respect, but what exactly is the role of the First Lady?

As Wikipedia points out, "First Lady of the United States is the unofficial title of the hostess of the White House. Being First Lady is not being part of the administration, nor is it relevant experience for a future President of the United States.


Anonymous said...

You stupid sexist. What the hell do you mean "women's work!" Women can do anything men can do. It's 2008, we are in a new century. Weather you like it or not, women are not just for sex and cooking. People like you belong in the stone age. Go back to your cave, you idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jean Mounier said...

Apparently women can do anything but understand the difference between weather and whether! The next time you get out of the kitchen, try looking these words in a dictionary.